STRANGULATION - Strangulation

Hudební žánr: Funeral doom metal
Rok vydání: 2022
Dostupnost: Skladem

Cena: 200 Kč

Opište kód: šestosmdevět:

Precizní ponurý old school funeral doom metal ve stylu Skepticism, Evoken, Loss. Digipack. Španělsko.

STRANGULATION is a Funeral Drone band formed in 2019 by G. (AkoúΦenom) and M.S. (Arkaik Excruciation, Excurse, Suspiral) in order to convey the realms of mass extermination into forms of unique sonic pressure.

One track of repetitive and dissonant riffing, atavic percussion work, and pure drone passages. Expect nothing but 66 minutes of pure, evil and dissociative Funeral Drone crafted the old way, appealing those who kneel before the ancient lore of bands like EVOKEN, THERGOTHON, ABRUPTUM, AHAB, UNHOLY, SKEPTICISM or LOSS.