Velmi povedený mrazivý náladotvůrný ambient ve stylu Biosphere. Digipack formátu A5. Francie.
Much like some of Materia Aurora’s more IDM-based contemporaries in Pleq and Stendeck, their sound is incredibly emotive, constantly leading the listener on a journey that is both depressive and contemplative — somehow both urban in it’s very nature but still organic in it’s surroundings and the atmosphere that it creates. “Post Night Sequences” is, in a way, an urbanite’s subconscious wish and soulful reach out to the world beyond the city-scapes, past the suburbs and into the beauty of the surrounding world as is evident by the many peaceful non-city-like field recordings found on the album. The album is meditative, focusing on various vast textures as painted by droning surrealistic ambiance and playful interweaving melodic structures that loop around one another in a pristine ethereal dance. It speaks to the minimalist soul in a way that erases the crowded surroundings of city life and mentally leaves the listener surrounded by empty towering steel and glass giants — moments perhaps only experienced in real-life during late-night downpours and quickly-freezing blizzards.
Written by Sage for Heathen Harvest