DWARFSTAR - Perplexing Reality

Hudební žánr: Post black metal
Rok vydání: 2016
Dostupnost: Skladem

Cena: 250 Kč

Opište kód: devětsedmšest:

Spolupráce labelu Epidemie Records s maďarskou scénou má dlouhou tradici, která sahá do roku 2009 kdy jsme objevili Thy Catafalque a vydali jejich fenomenální album Róka Hasa Rádió. V pozdějších letech jsme vydali v reedici předchozí album Thy Catafalque Tünö Idö Tárlat a neofolkové projekty Larrnakh , Woodland Choir a martial industriální Kriegsfall-U. Nyní s velikou radostí představujeme náš další pozoruhodný objev tamní scény.

DWARFSTAR je tajemný rituální dark avantgarde transcendental projekt s kořeny v hluboké undergroundové black metalové scéně. Album Perplexing Reality přináší 5 kompozic na ploše 61 minut a vychází v limitované edici 300 ručně číslovaných kopií v jewel case balení.

Lahůdka pro příznivce novějších Ulver, Manes a ambientních pasáží Thy Catafalque.

Dwarfstar has a strong spiritual background which is rooted in the ideas of Transcendental Voidism. Both the lyrics and the atmospheres concentrare on the Gnostic Knowledge, which helps to liberate the Transcendental Souls of human creatures from the prison of the material cosmos, from the claws of the transcendental paradoxon. Dwarfstar has nothing to do with those very popular empty-headed so called "satanic" views which are based mostly on goalless self-destruction, goalless hatred towards mankind, worshipping „darkness” etc. while in the background the so called followers are into partying, friendship, love and sex. NO!! Dwarfstar is a real manifestation of Rebellious Spirit and has two concrete goals: 1. God-Man realization (to reach the final Enlightenment) 2. To inspire the others (only the real Seekers) on their way of searching for the final Enlightenment. Of course the music of Dwarfstar is recommended for every open minded listener who like dark atmospheres in music and/or musical avantgardism, but this project can be completely appreciated only by the Real Spiritual Seekers (if there is any amongst the listeners of modern extreme music). Very important to mention that however Dwarfstar is deeply spiritual, but not religious at all. Dwarfstar concentrates on pure spiritual values, beyond the level of the religious rituals and religious force-glorification. Of course if somebody still needs some religious rituals which are useful for the given person on his/her own way of inner development, that is absolutely understood and not refused at all. But it does not mean, that Dwarfstar should ever support any kind of religious idiotism (the ways of holy blasphemy). When it comes to those forms of religious attitude which are based on zealotry, blind-belief, blind following and often malignant hypocrisy, Dwarfstar is definitely anti-religious. Dwarfstar also refuses the life-standards of the modern world and it's decadent societies. Also very important to mention, that Dwarfstar does not represent any political or nationalistic views.