DEAD AND DRIPPING - Blackened Cerebral Rifts

Hudební žánr: Death Metal / Grindcore / Thrash metal
Rok vydání: 2023
Dostupnost: 2-3 týdny

Cena: 380 Kč

Opište kód: dvaosmpět:

Technický brutal death metal z USA. Digipack.

Dead and Dripping create their own kaleidoscopic world of dizzying and pummelling brutal/technical death metal where they relentlessly whip up a maelstrom of mind-boggling riffs and drum patterns. It's too easy to drown yourself in their undulating waves of intense blasting and slower breakdowns and one can't be blamed to lie corpse-like amid it all. There's even an interlude right in the middle of this album serving as a flotation device but as it's aptly titled, it's only hopeless given the sheer magnitude of the complex brutality that is offered here. As breathless as it will leave you, the music here is highly intricate and meticulously executed, and not rushed just to come across as needlessly chaotic or extreme. Everything is perfectly audible even with the riffs piling up, the organic production only adding value to the vigorous and ultimately highly enjoyable playing. For what Dead and Dripping set out to do, with 'Blackened Cerebral Rifts' they certainly get the job done, not compromising in any area and delivering one of the most satisfying if not rewarding albums in this genre.

For fans of: Wormed, Demilich, Defeated Sanity, Suffocation, Mortal Decay, Wicked Innocence


released August 11, 2023

Line up -
Evan Daniele - All music and lyrics

Artwork by Jason Wayne Barnett