AUTUMNBLAZE - Mute Boy Sad Girl

Hudební žánr: Post metal / Post-rock
Rok vydání: 2002
Dostupnost: 2-3 týdny

Cena: 200 Kč

Opište kód: třipětšest:

Melancholický náladotvůrný trip rock, post gothic metal. Německo.

How meaningfully and aptly this cryptic announcement was chosen. Whereas Autumnblaze's debut, "DämmerElbenTragödie", was characterised by its mystical, metallic eruptions, in this album it is the many diverse expressions that mark a new passionate artwork of sound. Trip-hop beats, rock outbursts, melancholic pop-melodies; comforting warmth, bleak hopelessness, and dream-like, sumptuous clouds of atmosphere: all these are the criteria that label "Mute Boy Sad Girl" as an album that needs to be experienced - an album that wants to touch you deeply and clearly succeeds in doing so.