ASTARTE - Dancing In The Dark Lakes Of Evil – The Lloth Years

Hudební žánr: Black Metal / Pagan black metal
Rok vydání: 1997 / 2021
Dostupnost: Skladem

Cena: 200 Kč

Opište kód: třiosmčtyři:

V reedici na CD znovuvydané první demo z roku 1997 této kultovní řecké dívčí black metalové kapely.

Greek all female-black metal band Astarte startet under the name of Lloth and released their first demo “Dancing In The Dark Lakes Of Evil”  back in 1997.  After this the band renamed to Astarte and you know the rest of the story, releasing 5 albums, till they disbanded after the pass of their leader Maria “Tristessa” Kolokouri on 2014.

This is re-release of the demo for first time on cd, with new artwork, designed by Argentinian fine artist Rodrigo Gudina at Core76 Studio.
A pure masterpiece, a rare release for every metal fan!