ARÐ - Untouched By Fire

Hudební žánr: Doom Metal
Rok vydání: 2024
Dostupnost: 2-3 týdny

Cena: 380 Kč

Opište kód: osmdvasedm:

Zbrusu nové album britské doom metalové kapely. Digipack.

Arð are of Northumbria. With their eagerly awaited sophomore album "Untouched by Fire", the inventors of monastic doom present another stunning milestone on their fast rising trajectory. Both musically and lyrically, mastermind Mark Deeks has climbed to new heights. Arð continue on their mission to explore the culture, heritage, and identity of the Northern English lands of Northumbria. The debut album "Take Up My Bones", followed the legend and century-long wanderings of the relics of Lindisfarne saint, Cuthbert (634–687). The tale narrated on the new full-length shines a light on a very different kind of saint. It revolves around the warrior king Oswald (604–642), who forged Northumbria with fire and sword by uniting the kingdoms of Bernicia and Deira. Oswald was widely regarded as the most powerful Anglo-Saxon king by his contemporaries. On "Untouched by Fire", Arð trace his rise to power from his exile as a youth in Dal Riada due to a family feud, via his victorious battles to conquer the lands that his father Æthelfrith had claimed until his founding of Northumbria. Musically, Arð stay broadly true to their original doom course. The signature 'monkish' choirs also remain prominently present as is to be expected from a musician who works as a choir arranger and conductor among other occupations such as bestselling author, teaching the piano, and playing keyboards in leading UK black metal act WINTERFYLLETH. Yet Deeks has also added new elements for example well-placed sprinkles of prog throughout the album. The compositions on "Untouched by Fire" reflect the gained experience and confidence of their mastermind in the sonic mirror of a more focused songwriting and stronger dynamics. This evolution is aided by the powerful and organic production courtesy of Markus Stock (EMPYRIUM, THE VISION BLEAK) as Arð recorded the album at Klangschmiede Studio E. When Deeks started Arð in the year 2019, the composer did not dare to hope for what was to happen the coming years even in his wildest dreams. His demos soon gained him a label and the first print run of the debut album "Take Up My Bones" (2022) sold out before the album even hit the stores. Several print runs followed and limited editions went quickly as well. The first shows of the band for example at Prophecy Fest in Balve, Germany spread an excellent reputation of Arð as a live act by word of mouth like a wildfire.